There are numerous advantages in buying used hardware instead of new hardware - and no disadvantages at all.

We know the situation: your computing environment is running out of capacity and you would love to expand yet your budget is stretched thin. This is where we step in: we provide quick, tailor-made, cost-effective upgrades and replacements for your systems and at the same time save the budgeting staff a real headache.

Purchasing used hardware allows you to expand your computing capacities without straining your budget. That’s because used hardware is significantly lower-priced than equivalent new systems. At the same time Hascon’s rigid quality control ensures that these systems meet the quality expectations you would have for a new system.

Most large end-users prefer purchasing used hardware as soon as the required hardware is available from Hascon. This especially holds true in cases where existing systems and configurations are to be upgraded. Other reasons for choosing used hardware vs. new hardware include situations in which companies know the needed hardware will only be operated for a certain amount of time, like one or two years.

Buying used hardware can also give you the advantage of solving your capacity problems and gaining time to wait for new technical developments which might arise in only one or two years.

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